Thursday, April 26, 2007

starting to feel it

Tonight as I stood in the kitchen looking at the countertops and appliances and hardwood floor, I felt the first signs of homesickness even though I haven't even left yet. In just 2 days this place will be empty. I got teary-eyed yet again. Yes, I'm such a sappy, mushy dork. It is such a strange mix of emotions because when I think of being in Berlin, I get this funny sense of euphoria and excitement, and I have no doubt in my mind that this is the right place for me to be. But leaving home isn't easy. It's not just the house or the *things*... I'm actually leaving the USA. That's certainly not a bad thing.. but I imagine anyone leaving their home country must have a lot of emotions about that, whether it is a good or bad thing. I know I will be sad. I know I will shed some tears. But in the end I know I will be the happiest I have ever been. A week from now I will be on the plane, probably somewhere over Canada or the Atlantic (or Arctic??), on my way to Berlin.

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