Thursday, April 12, 2007


I don't think I ever mentioned that I had decided to actually move to Berlin, rather than have all these 2-month visits here and there. Yes, I am moving to Berlin. On May 2.

I'm in the midst of all the chaos and work involved in moving out of here, putting things in storage, etc etc etc, the list goes on. At least my taxes are finally done.

This past weekend I spent some time with my family in Los Angeles. It was a bittersweet experience. As always, I enjoyed my time with them, but saying goodbye was especially hard this time.

I felt somewhat depressed all afternoon before I left for the airport. As the plane took off, I watched as the streets, houses and buildings got smaller and smaller. They looked like toys. It was only then that I realized I wouldn't be back for a long time. Once again I said goodbye to the place I grew up in.

The night my dad said goodbye, he had tears in his eyes. I was gutted. I had never seen my dad express his feelings like that before.

I never realized until now how much love there is between me and my family.

I hate to say goodbye.

1 comment:

vailian said...

Hope the move goes well, let us know when you get there!