Friday, October 13, 2006


I picked up the keys yesterday. Then I pretty much spent the rest of the day out and about instead of at home working. We went to the apartment and checked it out and took several pictures. I will post the pics soon when I have a chance, hopefully tomorrow sometime. Later Klaus met us and we went to the "kitchen place" to look at (you guessed it) .... kitchens. The unfortunate thing is that it may not be until after we leave Berlin that the kitchen is installed. Luckily Klaus will be here to take care of it if that is the case. Today I'm taking off from here early so we can go to Ikea. Kent's mom keeps saying how much she likes yellow because it is the color of "intelligence". Regardless of that, there is no way I will buy anything that is yellow. I mean... no. way.


Clarsonimus said...

Ikea is fast (kitchen delivery - installation?) and I doubt if yellow is an option for them, either. Go with blue. ;-)

Unknown said...

They have awesome kitchens at IKEA too!